Red Hot Chili Pepper's Chad Smith and Right Mind Media host Jon Cohan on sobriety, creativity, and the road to recovery.
Food writer David Leite, founder of the James Beard Award-winning website "Leite’s Culinaria", joins us to talk about his new book "Notes on a Banana" - a candid, courageous, funny story of family, food, mental illness, and sexual identity.
A recent study has shown that attorneys experience alcohol use disorders at a higher rate than any other professional population. Author and lawyer Lisa Smith joins us to help explain the details of the study, share her own story of addiction and recovery, and reveal the barriers lawyers face in getting help.
With a famous last name and a successful career as a lawyer, Brian Cuban was able to hide his clinical depression and alcohol and cocaine addictions—for a while. In his new book, Brian looks back on his journey with honesty, compassion, and humor as he reflects both on what he has learned about himself, his career choice and how the legal profession enables addiction.
Psychologist Ty Tashiro unpacks decades of research in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, and sociology to help us better understand what it means to be awkward. He considers how awkward people view our complex world and delivers a welcome, counterintuitive message: the same characteristics that make people socially clumsy can be harnessed to produce remarkable achievements.
Psychologist and author Ty Tashiro joins us to talk about his new book AWKWARD. In it, he unpacks decades of research in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, and sociology to help us better understand this widely shared trait and its origins. He considers how awkward people view our complex world and explains how they can more comfortably navigate it, and delivers a welcome, counterintuitive message: the same characteristics that make people socially clumsy can be harnessed to produce remarkable achievements.
Can you control your drinking? If so, how? Dr. Michael Levy joins us to about his book "Take Control of Your Drinking... and You May Not Need to Quit".
Author and journalist Sam Quinones weaves together two riveting tales of capitalism run amok whose unintentional collision led to a catastrophic opiate epidemic in this country. Quinones joins us to talk about his book "Dreamland: The True Tale of America's Opiate Epidemic", and more.
Who better than Harvard University to educate the public on the current opioid crisis in America? No one. And that’s precisely why we’re so excited about their new (and free!) online course on HarvardX. Harvard Medical School's Dr. Curfman and Dr. Bierer join our show to break down the course and explain why you, and everyone you know, need to go straight to class.
Allison Moore was a young vice cop in Hawaii when became addicted to methamphetamine - the very drug she was working to get off the streets. Allison joins us to share her story, her recovery, and talk about her new book “SHARDS: A Young Vice Cop Investigates Her Darkest Case of Meth Addiction-Her Own”.
More than a quarter million American children and teens are at risk for sex trafficking every year. We look at the toll of Human Trafficking and what can be done about it. Our guests are Kate Price from the Children's Advocacy group at Wellesley University, Audrey Morrissey from My Life My Choice, and Sergeant Detective Donna Gavin from the Boston Police Human Trafficking Unit.
Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker and Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders join us to talk about the opioid epidemic in Massachusetts, and what the government is doing to try to address it.
Kayt Sukel, science journalist and author of "THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON SEX" and Gail Marsh, LICSW, Sex Therapist, join us as we uncover how the brain deals with love and sex, how our past and present behavior affects the kind of sex we have, and what happens to our relationships when our brains are addicted to drugs and alcohol.
Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin joins us to talk about what he recently described as "a full-blown heroin crisis" in his state. And filmmaker Bess O'Brien talks about "The Hungry Heart", a film that takes an "intimate look at the often hidden world of prescription drug addiction through the world of Vermont Pediatrician Fred Holmes who works with patients struggling with this disease."
Murray Carpenter, author of “Caffeinated: How our Daily Habit Helps, Hurts, and Hooks Us” reveals the little-known truth about this addictive, largely unregulated drug found in coffee, energy drinks, teas, colas, chocolate, and even pain relievers. Psychiatrist Dr. Himal Mitra joins us as well to explain the effect of other kinds of stimulants (including ADHD medication), on the body.
What exactly is trauma, and how does it impact the brain? What the signs and symptoms of trauma? And, how it can be treated? Our guests are Megan Ross, the Director of Program Development and Trauma Awareness at Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center, and Gayle Jaffe from the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center.
Want to know how to talk to your teen about drugs? Dr. Sharon Levy, Director of Adolescent Substance Abuse Program at Boston Children’s Hospital, joins us to talk about how, when, and why we need to talk to our teens about drugs and alcohol.
What makes someone with 10 years of sobriety suddenly reach for a drink? Is relapse a failure of will power or part of the recovery process? Dr. George Vaillant, Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and Peter C. Johnston, Alcohol and Drug Counselor and Relapse Prevention Specialist, walk us through what happens during a relapse.
After the birth of her son, Jowita Bydlowska found herself celebrating with a glass of champagne. Just like that, her three years of sobriety were a distant memory and she began the rapid slide back to full-blown alcoholism. Jowita joins us to talk about her book DRUNK MOM, the brutally honest story of her fight to stop drinking while facing the daunting reality of becoming a mom.
How is addiction and recovery shaping American Indian communities today? David A. Patterson, Silver Wolf, Asst. Prof. at Washington University, Lacina Onco of Native American Lifelines Boston and a member of the Shinnecock Indian Nation, and Janelle Pocowatchit of Native American Lifelines Boston and member of Mik’Maw First Nations and Comanche Nation of Oklahoma join us.
Substance abuse among Veterans is a growing problem in our country, but help is available. Dave Dyer, Army veteran and of the SHARP Team of the Dept. of Veteran's Services, Matthew McKenna, Dept. of Veterans' Services, and Justin Enggasser, Ph.D., Section Chief for Substance Abuse Treatment Services at VA Boston Healthcare System join us.
The LGBTQ community is struggling with equality in more ways than one. Did you know that substance abuse occurs at a higher rate among gay and transgender people than in the general population? We're talking about addiction, recovery, and treatment in LGBTQ community, with guest Frank Busconi, MPH LISCW of Fenway Health, Boston.
Got anxiety? Daniel Smith, author of MONKEY MIND: A MEMOIR OF ANXIETY, and Dr. Luana Marques, Associate Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School and the Center For Anxiety and Traumatic Stress Disorders at the Massachusetts General Hospital, join us to talk about anxiety's affect on the body and mind, and the dangers of self-medicating.
Addiction is a family disorder. We'll talk about strategies families can use to cope with a loved one in active addiction, and how they can heal throughout the recovery process. Diana Clark, a specialist in addiction and family systems and the author of “Addiction Recovery: A Family's Journey” joins us, along with Ann and Jim, parents of a child in recovery, who share their story addiction in their family.
Addiction experts are preparing for a "tidal wave" of baby boomers who will need help fighting addiction. Guest Dr. Barbara Krantz, Medical Director of the Hanley Center, joins us to talk about the addiction issues facing boomers today, and the treatment programs being created specifically for them.