Guest Kevin Griffin is a Buddhist author, teacher, and leader in the mindful recovery movement. He teaches internationally in Buddhist centers, treatment centers, and academic settings. Kevin specializes in helping people in recovery connect with meditation and a progressive understanding of the 12 Steps.
Jails in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago each house more people with mental illnesses than any hospital. As many as half of all people in America’s jails and prisons have a psychiatric disorder. Journalist Alisa Roth joins us to talk about her new book "Insane", an urgent exposé of the mental health crisis in our courts, jails, and prisons.
Author and journalist Johann Hari went on a three-year journey across the world to interview the leading scientific experts about what causes depression and anxiety, and what solves them. He joins us to talk about his findings in his book "Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression, and the Unexpected Solutions."